Pacific City
including Cloverdale, Nestucca Valley, & Neskowin
Between Tillamook and Lincoln City, about four miles west of Hwy 101.
Go to our Facebook group page for more information. There you can also join the group, and share the page for your business! We'll be making FREE links to appropriate Facebook pages as time permits. The OCBN no longer publishes web address and phone numbers for free, but low-cost membership is available (currently being restructured), which includes links and phone numbers.
~~~~~~~~ A ~~~~~~~~
A & P Freight Service
American Tower Corp.
Anchorage Motel
Artistic Signs
Asher Corporation
~~~~~~~~ B ~~~~~~~~
BA Enterprises
BOORA Architects
BJ's Fabrics & Quilts
John Barcroft - logger
Baumgartner Auto Repair
Bayshore Dental Images - dentistry
Bayshore Family Medicine
Bayshore Physical Therapy
Beach Dog Supply - pet supplies
Beach House Woodworks
Beachwood Gallery
Bear Alley Wholesale
Bear Creek Artichokes
Bear Creek Pest Control
Beaver Mercantile
Beaver Shell and Grocery
Beaver Water District
Benjamin Manning Investment Company
Beppu Gallery
Betwixt & Between Gallery
Big Rock Excavation
Billets Doux - greeting cards & gifts
Bill's Small Engine Repair
Black Cat Design and Consulting
Black Rocket Charters
Blaine Custom Meat Cutting
Boggs & Boggs - mobile home park
The Breakers - condos
Bridgeview Mortgage
Bros and Hoes - landscaping
Butte Creek Equity
~~~~~~~~ C ~~~~~~~~
CBJ Construction
Camper Cove RV Park & Campground
Cape Kiwanda RV Resort & Marketplace
Los Caporales
Carter & Associates Construction
Cedar Creek Childcare Center
Central Coast Garage Doors
Charley Meink Trucking
Charter Communications
The Chelan
The Closet Door
Cloud Nine Construction
Cloverdale Pharmacy
Cloverdale Readi-Mix
Cloverdale Veterinary Clinic
Cloverdale Water District
Coastal Village Properties
Coastway Construction
Cooper Auction Service
The Craftsman Bed and Breakfast
Custom Craft Cabinets
~~~~~~~~ D ~~~~~~~~
Data Software Services
Anna-Marie Davidson - psychologist
Delicate Palate
Desert Moon Art and Gifts
Desy's Sweets, Balloons and Dolls
Dolls 4 You 'n' Me
Dory Restaurant
Doryland Pizza - restaurant
~~~~~~~~ E ~~~~~~~~
EOG Enterprises, Antiques and Collectibles
Eagle's View Bed and Breakfast
Earth Works Excavation
Emmerson-Morgan Construction
~~~~~~~~ F ~~~~~~~~
FAS - fire extinguishers & burglar alarms
FD Haruda Trust - realty
Falcon Cable
Far Country Books
Farmer Creek Retreat
Farmer Creek Sharpening Service
Fat Freddy's Diner - restaurant
Fir Ridge Holstein Farm
Flowing Through
Fox Grocery
~~~~~~~~ G ~~~~~~~~
GH Construction & Design
G&L Enterprises
Garibaldi Charters
Gem Hypnosis - therapeutic hypnosis 541-992-4434
Graphident Inc.
Grateful Bread Bakery
Grey Fox, Inc. Vacation Rentals
~~~~~~~~ H ~~~~~~~~
Hamburger Patty's Joint - OOB
Han Dunn Trucking
Harvest Fresh River Place Deli
The Hawk Creek Cafe
Hawk Creek Gallery
Hawk Creek Golf Course
Hay and Clarke Crushing Company
Haystack Fishing
Head Start
Healing Touch Massage
Hebo Food Market
Barbara Hemens, LMT - Massage Therapy
Hudson House Historic B & B
Hughes Business Services
~~~~~~~~ I ~~~~~~~~
Inn at Cape Kiwanda
Inn at Pacific City
Into the Sunset - stables
~~~~~~~~ J ~~~~~~~~
J&C Edgerly Dairy
JP's Barber Shop
Jackie Shank, Author
Jewel Creek Kennels
Jim Hagan Construction
Joe's Garage and Towing
Johnson & Co. - contractor
Jordan's Laundry Service
Judicial Security Consulting
~~~~~~~~ K ~~~~~~~~
Kellow Land Surveying
Kiawanda Senior Community Center
Kiwanda Coastal Properties
Kiwanda Computers and More
Kiwanda Surf Company
Know Your Coast Realty LLC
Kyte Konstruction
~~~~~~~~ L ~~~~~~~~
LPDI Construction
LaFond Construction
The Lake House
Liberty Market
Little Cheese Coin Op
Lori's Ocean Clippers
QUICK FACTS and LINKS (clicking will open a new window)
Area code: 503 City data 10-Day WEATHER
County: Tillamook City of Pacific City Chamber of Commerce
All Businesses
A listing or membership in the Oregon Coast Business Network does not imply endorsement by OCBN or by Rising Starr Enterprises.
~~~~~~~~ M ~~~~~~~~
Mage Guild Consulting
Manna Music
Martella Dairy
Max's Barber, Beauty, and Gift Shop
Maxweld Boats
Dennis McGhehey - excavating contractor
Miami Cove Electric
Migrations Espresso and Books
JW Millegan - stock and bond broker
Morgan's Welding
~~~~~~~~ N ~~~~~~~~
NAPA Auto Parts
Nancy Love Real Estate
Nantucket Shores
Nesko Rock Products
Neskowin Beach Golf Course
Neskowin Marketplace
Neskowin Realty
Neskowin Regional Water District
Neskowin Resort
Neskowin Vacation Rentals
Neskowin Valley School
Nestucca Bay Textile and Supply
Nestucca Country Sporting Goods
Nestucca Farms
Nestucca High School
Nestucca Mobile Veterinary Service
Nestucca-Neskowin Council
Nestucca Ridge Development 965-7779
Nestucca Ridge Storage
Nestucca River Village
Nestucca Valley Elementary
Nestucca Valley Middle School
Nestucca Valley Sanitary Service 392-3438
Nestucca Valley School
Nestucca Valley Sporting Goods
North Coast Coffee
Northwest, Realtors
Nor'Western Charters
~~~~~~~~ O ~~~~~~~~
Oakley's Paradise Market
Ocean Trails Riding Stables
One-O-One Camp
On-Site - contractor
Oregon Beach Vacations 800-723-2383
Oregon Coast Bank
Oregon Coast Business Network - it's where you're at!
The most inclusive directory of Oregon coast businesses
~~~~~~~~ P ~~~~~~~~
PC Riverside Market
Pacific City Ambulance
Pacific City Gallery
Pacific City Hardware & Lumber
Pacific City Home
Pacific City Imports
Pacific City Inn
Pacific City Recycling Center & Transfer Station 392-3438
Pacific City RV and Mini Storage
Pacific City Real Estate
Pacific City Sanitary and Laundry District
Pacific City Senior Meal Site
Pacific City Shell and Grocery
Pacific City Sporting Goods and Marina
The Pacific City Sun - publication 801-5221
Pacific City Tidewater Restaurant and Lounge
Pacific City Trailer Park
Pacific City Transfer and Dump
Pacific City Weddings
Pacific Sands Condominium Hotel
Pea~Sea Deli
Pelican Pub & Brewery
Petals - florist
Pete Anderson / Better Homes and Gardens Realty
Peter Asher Designs
Photos Under Glass
Pictureman Photography
Pier Avenue Rock Shop
La Plage - beauty salon
Points West Realty
Port Storage
Portraits by Cathy
Proposal Rock Inn
Puttman & Teague, LLP - accountants
~~~~~~~~ Q ~~~~~~~~
none known
~~~~~~~~ R ~~~~~~~~
RB Altman's Mobile Welding
R&D Logging
RH Parks Construction
Raines Resort
Real Estate Book
The Red Barn Flea Mart
Red Door Gallery
Renditions Fine Art Printing
Rick Cunningham Home Design
Cecelia Riebow - independent associate - Pre-Paid Legal
Rising Starr Enterprises - web design & digital promotion Voicemail: 541-992-4434
River Place in Pacific City
Riverhouse Food Products
The Riverhouse Restaurant
Riverview Lodge
Robert Cook Excavating
Robert Warren Co. - dump truck
Ruby Throat - jewelry
~~~~~~~~ S ~~~~~~~~
S&E Martella Dairy
St. Joseph's Hall
Sandlake Country Inn
Sandlake Grocery
Sandpiper Realty
Sea View Vacation Rentals
Seagull Manufacturing Co
Shell - gasoline
Shirley's Smile Shop
Shorepine Rentals
Shorepine Village Management
Sifford Energy Services
Soaring Crane Gallery
South County Clinic
South County Mini Storage
South County Motors and Hardware
South County Parks Department
South County Surf
South County Towing
South Tillamook County Library
Sportsman's Pub-N-Grub
Stricker Engineering
Sue's Hair Country
Sunset Tours/Expedition
Sutton Tile
Swan's Gallery and Gifts
~~~~~~~~ T ~~~~~~~~
Tea by the Sea
Thousand Trails Pacific City Preserve
Three B's Kennels
Three Rivers Wood Products Company
Thrift Shop
Ticor Title
Tierra Del Mar Security
Tillamook Advertising
Tillamook Bay Community College So. County Educ. Programs
Tillamook County Creamery Association - farm supplies
Tillamook County Health Department
Tillamook Hook Company
Tim Inman Excavating
Tomichi Village RV Park and Laundromat
Tomorrow's Collectibles
Tong Heep Restaurant
Tools for Conscious Living
True Value Hardware
Turnaround Motel
~~~~~~~~ U ~~~~~~~~
US Bank
Union 76 - gasoline
Upton's Diesel Service
~~~~~~~~ V ~~~~~~~~
Vacation Resorts, Inc.
Video Gallery
Village Coffee Shoppe
Village Merchants
Village Merchants AFS Wire Service - floral
Voila - art dealer
Andreas Von Foerster - architect
Marilyn Von Foerster - physical therapist
~~~~~~~~ W ~~~~~~~~
Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp
Woodard Auto Parts, Inc (Napa)
~~~~~~~~ XYZ ~~~~~~~~
Zephyr Farm